Harcourt Valley PS

Proudly operating Before School Care, After School Care and Pupil Free Day Programs

OSHC Adventures Holiday Care Program is also available at:
Campbells Creek Primary School

3 Wilkinson St, Harcourt VIC 3453


OSHC Adventures

Our Service Information

  • Monday - Friday

    Opening Hours: 7:00am - 9:00am

    Full Fee before CCS: $25.00

    Fee after Max CCS: $3.62

  • Monday - Friday

    Opening Hours: 3:25pm - 6:00 pm

    Full Fee before CCS: $35.00

    Fee after Max CCS: $5.07

  • For Holiday Care, please see our page about our Campbells Creek Holiday Program!

  • Opening Hours: 7:00am - 6:00 pm

    Full Fee (before CCS): $ 97.00

    Fee after Max CCS: $ 9.80

  • Child Care Subsidy (CCS) offers assistance to families to help with the cost of childcare for children aged 0-13 years. The number of hours of Child Care Subsidy a family is entitled to per fortnight is determined by an activity test. The more hours of activity parents do, the more subsidised care they can access, up to a maximum of 100 hours per fortnight for each child.

    • CCS is based on the combined family income, activity test and the type of early childhood education and care service

    • Families must complete the Child Care Subsidy Activity Test online through the myGov website

    • Documentation may be required such as Australian driver licence, Australian passport, Foreign passport, Australian birth certificate, Australian Marriage certificate, Australian citizenship certificate

    • Families are provided with a Customer Reference Number (CRN)

    • Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction

    • Families will contribute to their childcare fees and pay the Service the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount- generally called the ‘gap fee’

    • Families may also be eligible for Additional Child Care Subsidy depending upon their circumstance

  • Asthma

    Asthma Action Plan - Puffer and Spacer

    For further information about Asthma Action Plans and other asthma, resources Click Here

    A written Asthma Action Plan is one of the most important things you need if you have asthma. Everyone with asthma needs a written Asthma Action Plan. An Asthma Action Plan is your instructions on how to manage your asthma, and what to do if you do have a flare-up or asthma attack. Having a written Asthma Action Plan helps you self-manage your asthma. In fact, most flare-ups can be managed by following your Asthma Action Plan, saving you an extra trip to your doctor.

    Anaphylaxis and Allergies

    ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (RED) 2021 EpiPen®

    ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (RED) 2022 Anapen®

    ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (RED) 2021 General Version with QR code

    ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions (GREEN) 2021

    For translated versions of ASCIA First Aid for Anaphylaxis Click Here

    For further information about ASCIA Action Plans and other anaphylaxis, resources Click Here

    ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis can be used for people with food, insect, tick and drug allergies, or any other allergy that can result in a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

    Adrenaline injectors contain a single, fixed dose of adrenaline and are designed to be used by anyone (medical training is not required), or the patient themselves if they are not too unwell or too young.

    It is generally recommended that people who have an adrenaline injector should also wear a medical identification/emergency response emblem or other medical identification.


    Epilepsy Management Plan - 1 Seizure Type

    Epilepsy Management Plan - 2 Seizure Types

    For further information about Epilepsy management plans and Epilepsy, resources Click Here

    The Epilepsy Foundation recommends the use of Epilepsy Management Plans (EMPs). EMPs can help others best understand and respond to your needs. If the plan is for your child or another person, it’s a great idea to take a person-centred approach. This often means involving the person in the development of their plan as much as possible. You can share the plan with schools, employers, service providers, and sporting or social clubs you are connected to.


    Diabetes Action Plan - Twice Daily Injection

    Diabetes Action Plan - Multiple Daily Injection

    Diabetes Action Plan - Insulin Pump

    For further information about Diabetes action plans and resources Click Here

    All children/students with type 1 diabetes attending early childhood settings, primary or secondary schools in Victoria need to have a current Diabetes Action and Management plan in place to ensure that their diabetes care needs are supported and met.

    These Diabetes Action and Management Plans have been developed by Diabetes Victoria, The Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Children’s Hospital diabetes treating teams. The plans are based on current best practice paediatric guidelines and are reviewed yearly.

    The plans need to be discussed, completed and signed by the child/student's diabetes treating team, parents/carers and either early childhood or school representatives.

  • Before & After School Care Bookings

    A child will be marked absent where 3 days’ notice has not been given for a cancellation. Families are charged for an absence and are still eligible for CCS fee relief if applicable.

    What do I do if my child does not know they are going to after-school care?

    Families are required to ring the school office to ensure a message can be passed on to the child. This avoids any confusion after the school bell.

    Do I have to pay for a session if my child is sick?

    A booking is cancelled without charge where 3 days’ notice has been given. In cases where notice is not provided, a booking is charged at the normal session rate.
